Men’s Ministry
Iron sharpens iron and we believe that happens through serving, activities, and being together. We meet weekly to read and discuss a book or dig into scripture to apply it to our lives so we can better lead ourselves and our families. We also enjoy being together serving others whether it’s repairing a deck, mowing someone’s yard, helping them move, or meeting another need.
Meets weekly with additional events added such as movie night, game night, Saturday morning breakfast, and Men’s conference.

Women’s Ministry
The women of Faith Chapel Overland Park meet monthly for fun and fellowship, to build relationship, make connections and cultivate community. We want to “do life” together and support each other in times of joy and challenge. In addition to monthly gatherings, we have Bible study, events and activities, and also attend women’s conference.
Meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30pm, with additional bigger events added such as Breakfast and Bling, Quarter Auction, BUNCO, and Women’s conference.

Family University
Family University is a non-profit organization that provides seminars and classes to our community on current family issues. Each seminar is designed to add some positive insights and practical tips for your daily living. The team of instructors are Marriage and Family Advocates who are trained professionals. Bob Cave is a Marriage and Family Therapist, an Adjunct Professor at MidAmerica Nazarene University and Senior Pastor at Faith Chapel. His wife, Sondra Cave, has her Doctorate in Education, is a former professor, co-Pastor of Faith Chapel, and owns Strengths and Leadership Consulting.
Family centered, and personal growth seminars are offered throughout the year.

Kid’s Ministry
Welcome to FC Kids where we love big, laugh hard, and pray harder. We believe that church can and should be FUN! Both God’s Word and His creation show that He wants people not just to survive, but to thrive – and He definitely has a great sense of humor! Our lessons include lots of physical activity while hiding the Word in kids’ hearts.
In addition to being active, FC Kids also values slowing down. We practice being still and quiet for small amounts of time on a regular basis. Life is way too overscheduled and busy, busy, busy – rising levels of anxiety in children are no surprise! Our goal is to teach children the best way to battle this is plugging into God through prayer. We practice a 4-step prayer: Praise God, Thank God, Present Needs, and LISTEN. Prayer is a conversation so time being quiet to let God speak is often emphasized. Journals are given to each child, and we walk through how to record as we hear from God.
Jesus frequently emphasizes the importance of children, to be like children, and the purity of child-like faith. Our kids are regularly reminded that they are valuable, powerful, and so, so loved.
Their prayers are so simple and their faith so pure. This is demonstrated by the miraculous healing of Emmah just before Easter 2023. She broke her hand playing in a bounce house April 8, as shown by 15 x-rays. She was nervous about the possibility of requiring surgery and asked for prayer both at home and at church the next day. When they visited the orthopedic surgeon just 2 days later, NOT ONE BREAK WAS FOUND. There is no reasonable, earthly explanation but there is a clear supernatural explanation. 1 Peter 41:3 says, “He himself bore our sins on his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live by righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed.” Our God is alive, active, and listening (especially to the earnest prayers of our children!)
FC Kids events and services are a DEVICE-FREE ZONE. In addition to being overscheduled, many children are massively over-stimulated by the constant presence of screens. True connection and relationship are much more important than any screen. Feel free to make me the bad guy if your child dislikes this policy. We practice true connection through conversation, eye contact, and active listening.
Paper Bibles are regularly used and read by our kids. We often practice opening physical Bibles, finding certain passages, and reading The Word out loud. Raising kids who fall in love with God’s Word is at the top of our priorities. If your child does not have a Bible at home, I have a stash of Bibles at the ready so just say the word and we’ll get your child their own Word!
Each Sunday we work together to earn points to receive fun rewards like special snacks, PJ days, etc. Points are earned for attendance, bringing their Bible, having read their Bible during the week (and recalling what they read), and big points for bringing a new friend. From our youngest to those close to youth group, we are a team and always want to encourage one another toward the Lord.
Events include lock-ins, going to camp at Wheatstate Retreat Center, Easter Eggstravaganza, pinewood derby, campouts, Back-to-School Bash, pool parties, and more! Our team is always on the lookout for opportunities for fun as a group. We’ve taken groups to get free ice cream, to the zoo on a group rate, trips around the city to see Christmas lights, etc. Spending time with our kids is the best and we are always open to suggestions for extra FUN! FCOP is committed to NEVER letting money be a barrier to involvement in our events. If funds are tight, we are happy to help to make sure your child is included. Just speak to one of our pastors about your need and it will be kept in the strictest of confidence. No child will be left out over money on my watch!
Our whole FC Kids team is excited to meet your family and have the privilege of pouring into not just your children, but your whole family. If you’re looking for a village, you’ve found it at FCOP!
Sunday mornings – start with adults in the 10:30am service and dismissed after offering. Special activities scheduled such as Back to School Bash, Kids Convention, Community Service.

Youth Ministry
Faith Chapel Youth Ministries (FCYM), at its core, exists so that students can encounter Jesus in a real way with their peers. We strive to create an environment that feels like a family. We then mix in faith and a lot of fun! As we grow closer together it allows for more open and honest communication to take down the giants that this generation is facing.
We believe that as students encounter Jesus, they will begin to see Ephesians 3:20 played out in their lives! We work to partner with our parents to meet their students right where they are because God’s word says to “not grow weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!” – Galatians 6:9 (Pastor Brad paraphrase). We believe the harvest time is now as God has great things in store for this world-changing generation and we are blessed to play a small part in leading them!
We meet on Wednesday nights following family dinners at 7pm and for Bible study on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. To connect with us you can email fcym.op@gmail.com - we can’t wait to welcome you into the FCYM.
Meets every Wednesday from 7:00-8:15pm, Bible Study Sunday morning 9:30-10:15am. Special activities scheduled such as Youth Convention, Camps, Escape Room, and Corn Maze.

Young Adults Ministry
We are a community that exists to build relationships that will help individuals grow in their faith as they grow in their connection to one another. We would love to have you join us as we get together to have fun and share life, whether that’s through playing games, eating, chatting around a fire, doing a service project, or digging into the Bible to learn more about what God has for our lives.
Meet monthly for various activities.